Being in Manhattan Kansas makes me anxious. Maybe because of the structure of the town, maybe because of it's population makeup, maybe because of the way my family functions, I'm constantly teetering on the edge of something. For the first week or so of being back, I usually sort of enjoy this feeling of uneasyness, but after two, it becomes unbearable. This town makes me tired, uneasy, and grumpy at all times. I eat in the middle of the night. I fight with whoever wants to fight. I'm mean to babies. That shit's unacceptable.
The winter makes it worse.
Don't work for your mother, if that happens your boss is always around, even at night.
I just watched a kid yell at his mom from across the table about how he didn't need her anymore, and how once he goes to college he won't need them ever again, and how it's gonna feel so good to be independent. How she needs to get out of his face. Good for him. I just had those feelings dissipate sometime within the last year and a half. That's a really good feeling I really wanted to tell that kid that, actually, he does need his parents and the whiny way he's yelling at his mom means he loves her and that he'll feel stupid about all this later. But he needs this now. I at least hope his mom knows that she should just wait it out.
Which reminds me, my parents and I are getting along for the first time in 7 or 8 years. It's very strange and very nice. They buy me stuff, and give hugs. Yay hugs.
If Mitt Romney wins the nomination, I will shoot myself in the face. If he wins the election, I will shoot myself in the other face. What a jerk that guy is.
It appears that everyone in Guatemala is safe and sound. I am glad of that, what a nice experience. However, despite the fact that I have yet to visit other countries besides Mexico and Canada yet, I am pro-USA. It is a nation full of backwards, selfish, xenophobes, but, the diversity of culture and the beauty of the country and the diner food I like. Very much. So there, I said it. I'll say it again. USA! USA! Baaaaaaaaaam.
Speaking of Guatemala, these baby:
This baby:
That's too much. This will end abruptly...Now.
Quiero amor y quiero amar,
-kevrick kevman.